First, let me thank you for reading this article. As I have no party affiliation, in my run for the senate seat vacated by Senator Blount, my access to the public forum is somewhat limited. And while I've watched, like most Americans - from the sidelines, as candidates espouse their understanding of the Country's problems. I've never actually seen them solve any. So during these treatises I will attempt to do just that. Describe some of the Country's problems and propose possible solutions.
And the first solution I'd like to propose addresses the very problem that caused such a ruckus at the Capitol last January. However, before I address this problem we must consider those inherent in our election processes as practiced. Our multi-party system, as envisioned by the framers of our Constitution, has failed both the Country and its people. Due, primarily, to the modern campaigns need for exorbitant sums of money. Effectively, allowing corporations and special interest groups to hijack the electoral process. Promoting a level of access that is denied most citizens, and setting the stage for potential political corruption.
Even worse is the Supreme Court's upholding these contributions as inherent rights of the special interest or corporations legal entity. Not surprising, really, when you consider that these same Supreme Court Justices are dependent on politicians for their own nomination and confirmation to the court. Politicians which themselves are dependent on large contributions for their own election. So; that the Supreme Court would strive to justify these contributions should come as no surprise. Yet, in making this determination, the Justices conveniently overlooked the fact that corporations and special interest groups are legal entities for determination of their taxable status only. They fail to pass the most important standard for contributors - they have no authority to vote. Failing this, the most critical litmus test for citizens, the only legitimate conclusion becomes clear. Without the authority to vote in the election they have no authority to contribute.
Yet to fix this oversight we are confronted with a number of difficulties. The biggest of which, is that by the definitions in our Constitution, there is no procedural method by which a Supreme Court ruling can be overturned. And it is doubtful that the Justices will rescind their own ruling. Such an action could have far reaching legal ramifications. Potentially exposing every past ruling to judicial review or further litigation. Upon investigation the only way to supersede their decision would be by Constitutional amendment. Itemizing the necessity for voting authority to validate contributory or advertising authority. Included in this measure must be wording that assigns PSA's (public service announcements) to campaign usage during election cycles. This ensures equal media access to all candidates. Requiring the candidates to pay only their commercial's production costs. And, reduces the need for large contributions by eliminating the costs associated with media airtime. Of course, these would only be portions of an ammendment comprehensively overhauling campaign regulations. However, like all pro-American solutions, I doubt its passage in the current pro-politician pro-contributor Capitol climate.
Now, we'll confront the very subject which caused such a travesty against this Country's governing philosophy. The Electoral College; and the treasonous manner in which its decision was contested. Understand, I believe in the abolishment of the Electoral College. When the Constitution was ratified, it was a necessity, since there was no way to guarantee that the ballots would be counted and in the nation's capital before January. When the next president was due to take office. At that time votes were counted by hand and traveling could be difficult. With heavy snows it could take a week to travel a hundred miles. And; if someone desired to “fix” an election - the Electoral College makes that possible. Guaranteeing a candidates war chest or that they’re candidacy is unchallenged could be motive enough for some. And, while its rare, sometimes a few critical Electoral College votes could alter the outcome of a Presidential election. More importantly, technology has progressed. With modern tabulation and communication the voting totals are, typically, known within two weeks of the election. In short; the Electoral College has become the Constitution’s appendix. A vestigial organ that, left untreated, will poison the patient. Eroding Americans faith that the will of the majority will carry the day.
In closing, let me state for the record, that while America was founded as a republic. A form of government where only wealthy white landowners have a vote. A form, I might add, that predetermined Rome’s fall through political corruption, incompetence, and greed. It has evolved into the democracy it was always intended to be. And it is time to remove the hindrances to the voice of the people holding supreme power.